During Caesars ruling he gave land back to the poor, and filled the Senate, increasing it to 900 people. This overall weakened the power of the senate, which angered the power-hungry senators. He then, 1 year after his absolute power was declared, was assassinated by a group of leading senators. This led to the Second Triumirate, involving Octavian, Marc Antony, and Lepidus. Octavian was Caesars adopted son, and heir. Marc Antony was Caesars ally and assistand, while Lepidus was commander of cavalry. Lepidus is eventually exiled from Rome, leading to yet another civil war, but this time between Octavian and Antony. Antony fled to Egypt, and after losing many battles he and Cleopatra VII commit suicide together one year after the Battle of Actium. This allows Octavian to become the supreme ruler of Rome, and creating the "Age of Augustus." During Octavian's ruling he restored the republic, and gave some power back to the senate, and became Rome's first Emperor. The Senate gave him the title Augustus, meaning "the revered one." He was highly popular, and in control of the army. Augustus also stabilized frontiers, and conquered new