How Do Odysseus Act Heroic Acts

Words: 352
Pages: 2

What is a heroic act? According to Merriam-Webster, it is defined as "exhibiting or marked by courage and daring". But does this mean Odysseus acts heroically? Well, throughout "The Odyssey", "The Most Dangerous Game" and the song "Holding out for a Hero" heroic acts are discussed and performed frequently. Helping us to get a better idea of what being a hero and acting heroically really means.

To begin, in "Holding out for a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler, she talks about how she is holding out for a hero and describes what makes a hero. In the song she states that "He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast". This applies to Odysseus because these are two qualities that he possesses. Odysseus is described as one of the strongest men of his time