How Do Veterans Treat Americans

Words: 735
Pages: 3

Brianna Belle
ENGL 104
18 October 2016 Veterans after Life Veterans have been serving the United States for centuries, fighting for our freedom. But what people do not know is what happens to veterans when they return home. Despite the money veterans receive while they are in war, there are over fifty percent of veterans that become homeless when they have completed their duty in war. Europeans can see a different point of view on how the government and Americans treat veterans versus how they treat their veterans. It has been known that the government has not done enough for veterans. But also Americans are not protecting and standing up for the ones that protect them. Are veterans treated with the respect and treatment veterans
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Also according to Meredith age, gender, and knowledge depends on what kind of job you can get. The younger you are means that you do not have enough education or experience as someone who is older. With gender, women are less likely to get a job than men. Veterans’ health can cause issues with getting a job. The Army has a budget and may have to fire thousands of people because they cannot afford to provide for so many people. There are Americans without jobs and people who are unable to pay their taxes. Since the veteran money earned is used for their medical condition, taxes are raised on Americans. Americans that can barely afford to provide for their family such as African Americans and Mexicans. Leaving the poor with no choice but to do anything just to put food on the table. Over 50% of men get PTSD and over 40% of when get PTSD according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. In two years it takes over six billion dollars to get treatment for veterans, mentally and physically said Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld. There are veterans that have family and friends that want better for them, and for veterans in the future. There are solutions such as donation websites and fundraisers to help fund the medical attention veterans with PTSD need. Do not get me wrong there are other medical conditions that veterans receive. PTSD is just more likely and requires a lot more supervision and medical …show more content…
Military during World War 1, it was for everyone who fought. The original name for Veterans Day is Armistice Day, which ended on November 11th, at the eleventh hour, and the eleventh month that is why Veterans are celebrated on this day. Memorial Day is very similar to Veterans Day except Memorial Day is for the veterans who have passed away. Veterans Day are for veterans who are living and deceased. In 2011 there are about eight percent of veterans who serve in the U.S. Military. Over thirty percent of veterans today have served in the Vietnam War. I think it is cool how there are people who will take the time and have the courage to serve for the U.S. for so