2. Enter your study place and be prepared to work hard.
3. Give your whole focus for a period of time, to your work so that no distractions, no interruptions, and no person shall interfere with your work.
4. Study hard for a period of time. Not too long because you don't want to strain or tire your brain on your big day.
5. The day before your actual test or quiz relax and take the day off your work to stay calm and rest so that your body is fresh and has an active matter towards your work.
6. When the day comes for your test or quiz do NOT be nervous, for everything will come clean if you pray and followed the above steps your test or quiz will be PERFECT, well depending on how well you can remember what you studied
Congratulations! Your are now ready for you test, quiz! 1. Prepare your mind and be remove any possible distractions.
2. Enter your study place and be prepared to work hard.
3. Give your whole focus for a period of time, to your work so that no distractions, no interruptions, and no person shall interfere with your work.
4. Study hard for a period of time. Not too long because you don't want to strain or tire your brain on your big day.
5. The day before your actual test or quiz relax and take the day off your work to stay calm and rest so that your body is fresh and has an active matter towards your work.
6. When the day comes for your test or quiz do NOT be nervous, for