Human Trafficking Definition

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Pages: 3

Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is the physical movement of people across or within borders through deceptive means, force or coercion. The people who commit human trafficking offences are motivated by their continuing exploitation of their victims once they reach their destination country.
People Smuggling is the organised, illegal movement of people across borders, usually on a payment for service basis.
There are several types of Human Trafficking, such as:
- Sex trafficking
Sex Trafficking occurs when someone uses force, fraud or coercion to cause a commercial sex act with an adult or cause a minor commit a commercial sex. A commercial act includes prostitution, pornography and sexual performance done in exchange for any item of value.

-Children trafficking the action or practice of illegally procuring and relocating children, mainly for the purposes of forced labour or sexual exploitation.
- Labour trafficking
Labour Trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which individuals perform labour or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Labour trafficking includes situations of debt bondage, forced labour, and involuntary child labour.
-Organ Trade trafficking the illegal organ trade is a form of widespread organized crime where inner organs are illegally obtained and traded
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The victims of trafficking in persons are abused and exploited in specific conditions, which may result in many short-term and long-term psychological and physical injuries, diseases and infections, most commonly sexually diseases or HIV viruses and sometimes the extreme consequences of trafficking can result in permanent disability and death. Common symptoms that a victim of human trafficking often lives with, even after being held captive is: anxiety, depression, alienation, disorientation, aggression and difficulties in