Nevertheless, some individuals getting the services of prostitutes occasionally cross over the sexual fulfillment and perpetrate acts of violence on these prostitutes. Some of the reported inhuman acts against involuntary prostitutes include emotional, sexual, and physical violence. There seem to exist some cultural meaning related to prostitution. Prostitute users’ perception also contributes to this misconduct (Lutya & Lanier, 2012). Similarly, lack of emotional connection, the perception of prostitution, acceptance of rape myths, and men’s current relationship experiences have also contributed to prostitute …show more content…
Young women and girls can as well face a forceful demand from close relatives, boyfriends, or their partners to engage in prostitution for money. Majority of these victims may be having their freedom of movement limited and their quality of life compromised from accessing other essential services (Wolken, 2006). Some are highly mistreated to the extent of being held up in a cage or even murdered. Such practices are regarded as anti-human rights with moral abomination for using bodies of a woman as an object to fulfill men’s desire for sex (Kumar, 2015). Working conditions of these prostitutes are also devastating which calls for legal action to those found involved in human trafficking of young women and girls. There is deep vulnerability experienced by the trafficked young women and