Hy Study Guide Essay

Submitted By mcwhitley90
Words: 3031
Pages: 13

VIII. The Progressive movement

A. The Progressive impulse 1. rationalism 2. middle-class morality 3. middle-class anxiety a. criticism of the upper class b. criticism of the lower class 4. homogeneity and hyphenated Americans 5. mass journalism and the reform impulse

B. Toward the ordered society 1. containing worker radicalism 2. Wisconsin and containing owner radicalism 3. reason and strong drink 4. the wrong people are voting C. Debate over women’s roles 1. Addams: woman’s sphere is the public sphere 2. Paul and Gilman: women are people too
676 Ida Tarbell
676, 726, 775, 809 Upton Sinclair
The Jungle
700-01, 741, 767, 773 Jane Addams
698-9, 772-3, 830 Robert M. La Follete direct primary

IX. Progressive Politics

A. Political reform 1. La Follete and the “Wisconsin Idea” 2. regulating business on behalf of the public 3. government more responsive? A. responsive to whom?

B. Theodore Roosevelt, progressive? 1. trustbuster or trust regulator? 2. conservation 3. shifts in labor policy 4. new definition of the public interest C. After Teddy: the election of 1912 1. Taft the failed successor 2. Roosevelt returns 3. Woodrow Wilson 4. For fun, Eugene Debs again 698 The “Wisconsin Idea”
Robert M. La Follette direct primary
676, 706 The Pure Food and Drug act (1906)
707, 709 Gifford Pinchot
613, 619, 706, 708 Sherman Antitrust act (1890)
664, 705, 708-9, 711, 769 William Howard Taft
664, 691, 743, Eugene V. Debs

X. The rise of Jim Crow

A. Context: the New South 1. economic transformation 2. demographic shifts 3. increasing violence

B. the Progressive search for the ordered society 1. anti-lynching laws or segregation laws? C. The legal framework 1. the 14th and 15th amendments in the way 2. avoiding the 14th: Separate but Equal 3. avoiding the 15th: race-neutral racism D. Response from the African-American community 1. Social and cultural implications 2. Booker Washington and economic uplift 3. W.E.B. Du Bois and political action

641 Henry Grady
“New South”
“Pitchfork” Ben Tillman
Ida B. Wells Plessy v. Ferguson
645, 646 Grandfather clause literacy test secret ballot
652-655, 741-3 Booker T. Washington
735, 742-3, 746, 754 W.E.B. Dubois
743, 754 The Souls of Black Folk
“Talented Tenth”

XI. The Progressives and the Great War

A. From neutrality to war 1. German gambles 2. Wilson wants to save the world B. Mobilizing for war 1. the requirements of modern war 2. economic coordination and its difficulties 3. intelligence and the Army (your joke here) 4. the army as an instrument of Americanization

C. Over Here: the rise of the American bureaucratic state 1. selling the War: Creel and the CPI 2. the limits of wartime dissent

D. Over There: American soldiers in Europe 1. politics and strategy 2. soldier experience and autonomy 3. to the Armistice
a british liner carrying a large cache of arms, sunk by german submarine off the coast of Ireland killing many passengers, some American.
Outraged American public opinion and strengthened the hand of those who believed that the US must prepare for possible entry into the war (Roosevelt, businessmen with economic ties to Britain)

727 Selective Service Act, May 1917:
24 million men were required to register with the draft, and the army soon swelled from 120,000 to 5 million men.
Espionage Act, May 1917:
Laws to restrict freedom of speech. Prohibitied not only spying and interfering witht the draft but also false staments that might impede military success.
Eugene v. debs: convicted under E. act for delivering an antiwar speech.
748, 764, 787-8, 797, 804, 838 Herbert Hoover: earned a fortune as a mining engineer working for firms in aisia, Africa, and Europe.