Illegal Immigration Research Paper

Words: 1425
Pages: 6

Kruhlyakov 1
Sasha Kruhlyakov
Mrs. Leger
English 101
January 21, 2018
Should the Government Allow Illegal Immigrants to Become US Citizens? What is illegal immigration? Illegal immigration is the act of living in a country without proven or legalized documents that allows you to do so. It is also group of people who crosses a national border in a way that violates the immigration laws. According to the 2016 Current Population Survey (CPS), “immigrants and their U.S.-born children now number approximately 84.3 million people, or 27 percent of the overall U.S. population.” Now, based from the definition above, one could easily say that illegal immigration is breaking the law just like a criminal, so should we let criminals roam free and reward
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Second, I believe it is not fair to be handed citizenship when you entered the country illegally. There is a special legal process for those whose countries are not connected by lands, well, not just by lands. Everyone must follow this process. Let’s look what the FAIR research has to say, “There is a list of several million eligible people waiting to be legally admitted as immigrants to our country; some of them have been on that list for many years waiting for one of the numerically limited visas to become available. Illegal immigration makes a mockery of those people's adherence to the rules and of our country's sovereignty.” For example, I was once in the process to get a student visa. It was a long, hard, and painful process but with a lot of help, I managed to succeed in getting it. However, the time and effort I had to put in it was not one hundred percent guaranteed of success. Afterwards, in order to get permanent residency (to get a green card which is the golden ticket to US citizenship), you have to go through an expensive and difficult process. And when you see illegals come in without any problem, do not pay taxes, do not respect American rights and then expect citizenship …show more content…
How can illegal immigrants who cross the border and live in the United States claim any right? Moreover, these are the people who often bad mouth the United States and disrespect its laws and constitution, while they are here illegally and trying to gain citizenship. Furthermore, most of the people who cross the border undocumented feel entitled to stay in the USA. They would if they would have cross the border with the documents that allows them to do so. Therefore, I encourage you to share the information about how and why illegals should not cross the border. I believe you have to earn this right by going through certain steps which the law requires, so you can be eligible to live, work, drive and get a