Illegal Immigration Research Paper

Words: 2140
Pages: 9

A big story in today's talk is the number of illegal immigrants entering our country and the number of immigrants our country has. There are two sides to this argument: to increase immigration or to decrease immigration, now you may think, Why would we want to increase immigration to our country? The answer to that question is, that some people do not notice the work the immigrants bring to our country and all they do to provide for their families. Increasing immigration benefits our country in so many ways. Immigrants have been coming to the U.S. since the Great Depression and have been coming here ever since 1810. Immigrants are a big help with jobs, taxes, businesses, and helping their families. Immigrants seek America as their safe place …show more content…
(USAFacts Team) Recently the number of native-born Americans in the labor force has declined in the last sixteen years, but the number of immigrants in the labor force has increased vastly since 2020. Since September 2023 there have been 30.21 million immigrants employed in the U.S. and there is a total of 31.34 million that are either employed or unemployed. These immigrants have shown their hard work, and dedication to this country by pouring their life into their work ethic. Furthermore, articles speak about the number of immigrants in the workforce and mention what the U.S. would be like without these immigrant workers. Immigrants are a very important part of the care sector of the workforce, more than 26% of home healthcare workers are immigrants and that is very helpful to our country. Home health and personal care aides is a very fast-growing occupation and are always looking for employment, and this occupation will continue to grow by 25% in the next 10 years. The number of elderly in the United States is a big number and the facilities that take care of the elderly are currently at an all-time low and need …show more content…
Schumacher et al. A regretful artifact to know about the immigrant's lives is they are constantly being discriminated against in their workplace by being given fewer opportunities. Immigrants can also be discriminated against for less pay than others in their workplace, and with that, they continue to work their hardest to keep their families going. Americans speak English of course, but these immigrants entering the U.S. do not and they will need to face that others in this country may not understand them. Another way immigrants are discriminated against is by their skin color and the way they speak, it is horrible that some Americans can not accept these types of aspects of our country. In the meantime, some may not think of this, but immigrants are helping this country age. Immigrants are boosting our birth rate, which has been increasing within our native-born people. If the birth rate is low, the labour force will also become low. If immigrants were not here, the number of young workers would be very low. Another reason immigrants are helping the U.S. is by improving the Social Security trust