What is erosion, sediment and its courses in South Africa?
Erosion: it’s the process of soil particle breaking down and Sediment it’s the soil that has moved from its original because of water movement speed or volume. Sometimes it can cause by the different temperatures between day and night. Sediments make the water appear brownish-grey; they are an indicator of increased water runoff, land degradation, erosion due to intensive industrialized land use, land sealing, and poor soil management. Erosion occurs when the top layer of soil is swept away by natural or man-made forces, making it extremely difficult to grow any vegetation on the site. Erosion can turn once healthy, vibrant land into arid, lifeless terrain and further cause landslides and mudslides.
Water, wind and gravity cause the Earth soil particles to move and erode naturally. Humans clearing and moving land for development causes all processes to expedite and intensify. Here at South Africa objectives it divided into many categories because of its functions.
Erosion and sediment control on steep slopes as a bioengineering technique
It has been used successfully for Steep batter stabilisation on highway and railway constructions, and for protection of mine infrastructure such as …show more content…
It disturbing the growing of crops as it removes the surface that good for the crops.To control soil erosion on low gradient lands subject to deep overland flooding. Crops are planted on the contour in a sequence of crop, stubble and fallow strips of uniform width arranged perpendicular to the flood flow direction with the aim of spreading the flood waters laterally, thus reducing the depth, velocity and consequently the erosivity of flow. Strip cropping uses a similar