Income Inequality In Canada

Words: 1707
Pages: 7

The distribution of wealth in Canada has been very uneven. That is why the gap between the rich and the poor keeps increasing and thus, income inequality is present. Income inequality is the issue that I found very interesting from the material learned throughout this course. Basically, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Canada’s rate is definitely high in income inequality, as concluded from the material learned in this course, and it is becoming a problem. In fact, income inequality is one of the key factors as to why people are not healthy as they should be and even with universal health care, people are still not able to improve their health or the health care system.

I wanted to view this issue as a sociological
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One common example of this is obesity. People believe that one with obesity have caused the problem for themselves; for not living a healthy lifestyle in terms of diet. But I believe that one can be condemned to do so. I believe that lower and middle class people can’t choose healthier options because of their class. If I, being a middle class person, am presented two options, one being a burger that cost about $2, as opposed to a salad costing around $5, I would choose the burger over the salad. That is not because the burger is more delicious, but because of the cost of the two …show more content…
Also, my knowledge on how to have a healthy lifestyle was limited to healthy eating and exercising. I almost knew nothing about health and the health care system. While I was taking this course, I realized that there is so much material to learn from this course and so many different perspectives to see health and the health care system from. I learned through the sociological perspective that eating health and exercising are not the only factors for a healthy life. There are so many other factors like income inequality, which is one of the biggest factors. The material in this course taught me that there is a bigger difference between the rich and the poor than the obvious ones. These differences lead to bigger problems in our daily lives and our health. The material made my perspective stronger on health care and gave me more knowledge on what affects health care. If I do not have a good job and am not making as much as others, that should not prevent me for getting the health care they get. I should be able to get the same treatment that others get and be able to afford the same medications that others can afford. Differences in the rich and poor should not affect the health care we