Income Inequality In Canada

Words: 978
Pages: 4

• factors)-
Economic factors The value of Canadian dollar keeps on increasing and decreasing over the period of time and so currency fluctuations will impact upon the kiwi fruit export price values as well.
Canada gets a “C” grade and ranks 12th out of 17 peer countries. Income inequality in Canada has increased over the past 20 years. Since 1990, the richest group of Canadians has increased its share of total national income. The gap between income distribution of richest and poorest is very high in Canada. The middle class has lost their share and poorer are growing poorer. In 2009, 8,916,000 Canadians were working full-time year round compared to 9,593,000 in 2008, a loss of 677,000 full-time jobs over a year.
(Board, 2015)

Political factors Canada
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