Pontiac fever: A mild infection of the legionella bacterium which causes symp-toms such as headache, muscle pain and fever, however this doesn’t require treatment as the infection is eradicated with a few days. Yellow fever is a viral infection mostly spread by mosquitos which produce symptoms like very high fevers, muscle ache, head ache and vomiting, how-ever since we haven’t been told about the travel details of the patient. I would presume that he hasn’t been to any country where he could get in-fected. Http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Yellow-fever/Pages/Introduction.aspx
Tuberculosis: is a pulmonary infection caused by the bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis; its symptoms are similar to that displayed by the patient. The TB germ can remain …show more content…
Although the infection of legionella could be very severe a mild infection of legionella leads to Pontiac fever which clears away within a few days and doesn’t require treatment. Data Analysis of the legionella pneumophilia infection shows that About 10-15% die overall, representing about 10% of those who are treated and not immunocompromised but rising to 80% in those who are untreated and immunocompromised showing the se-verity of the