Influenza Research Paper

Words: 585
Pages: 3

The Era Of Influenza

A lot of people mistake Influenza for the common cold, and all though the symptoms are similar, Influenza is ten times more deadly. Unlike the common cold, Influenza attacks the lungs, filling them with fluid. Without a cure Influenza can lead to death. Influenza was first discovered in 1918, in Kansas, with cases of fever, chills, coughing, and fatigue started to pour in the hospitals, panic fled through the towns of Kansas. As people where trying to cope with this sudden virus, reports of death started flooding in from Africa, and the rest of North America.
Influenza is very easy to catch, by just being 6 feet away from someone who has Influenza, in a matter of minutes the virus can infect its next victim through
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Though it still haunts us today, Influenza only existed for two years in its deadliest state, but it left people in fear, and forever changed the way people practiced medicine. It came to a time when advances in medicine were coming at full force. Could these servere mysterious cases just be the common flu or worse could they be cases of Influenza?

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