Informative Essay: The American Dream

Words: 1611
Pages: 7

In a world of haves and have nots, the American Dream is a very relevant issue both in public forums and a national topic today. As we discuss the American Dream we have to look at three topics: immigration, economic freedom and hard work. Each make up a critical role in how one is able to achieve this stature. When we think of the American Dream, we think of white picket fences, green grass front yard and a car in the drive way. A lot of people would say that the idea is dead, but believe it or not, the American Dream is not dead, it has just evolved into a different set of ideals. Firstly, we have to look at the definition of the American Dream, which by is defined as, “the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally …show more content…
Owning land is no longer the dream. Owning a home is no longer the dream. Even having a good life is no longer the dream. Instead, many people strive to own the most expensive vehicles, the largest homes, the most stylish clothes, and so on. Under this definition, the American Dream can be possessed by only a few citizens. As a result of this new definition, the American Dream is more difficult to see in action. Because of the recession, many Americans have struggled just to keep their families fed. Furthermore, the best schools and other amenities seem to be attainable for only the wealthiest citizens. Many Americans must prioritize needs because they cannot afford as much as they once had. The contradiction in this belief that the American Dream is no longer possible is that Americans have more now than they have ever possessed before. If people fear that the American Dream is dead, it is because the concept has changed from the idea that everyone can improve their life through hard work to the idea that everyone can become a millionaire through virtually no work. The American Dream as first conceived, however, is still possible. While people often must struggle, they are not sentenced to stay at that same station forever. They have the right to strive for