Within this conversation, I made inferences as to what in though were facts and what I felt he needs when in reality I had no idea. I should’ve made statements like, “I feel like you’d benefit from some space” or “I understand how you feel”. I could’ve asked a question like, “Why do you feel like you need those things from a female?” Those statements would’ve been more accurate and would’ve brought out his thoughts. If I let him speak, the conclusion of the discussion would’ve ended with an understanding instead of an uncomfortable change in topic. Another interesting conversation was with me and my mate. We live together and he hadn’t been home in a week and I had no idea why or where he was. I confronted him asking, “What’s going on and why haven’t you come or called me!?” I told him that if he doesn’t want to be with me, he needs to tell me so that I can go. He said nonchalant things like, “I know I haven’t been home in a week, I was hanging out with my friends clearing my mind”, “Sometimes I want to be with you and sometimes I don’t, I don’t know anymore”. He asked me questions like, “What are you doing here? Why do you have an attitude?” and I was so angry and upset that I simply stopped talking to him. He kept saying that I was being rude and that I wanted it to be over. When we got home we were still talking and I asked him