Into The Wild Analysis

Words: 489
Pages: 2

When reading the poem Invictus and the story of Into the Wild it occurred to me that we

have complete control of our own fate. These pieces of literature display what it is like to have

control of our lives. Some of the other texts try to tell us we are born to do something and just

that one thing, I believe, because of these texts, you can control your fate, be the master of your

destiny, and have complete control of life.

The first piece of poetic evidence that I have is Invictus. This poem perfectly displays

how we can control our fate, with clever wordplay, and flow. “It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll: I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my

soul.” The way I interpreted the verse was
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The article that made me

think about the idea of control is David Epstein's Sports Gene. The article is about a man in

college finding his hidden jumping talent because the size of his Achilles Tendon. He had no

control of having this, he was born to do this, he was born to be an olympic jumper. His genetics,

something he did not have control of helped him become something great.

The story of Into the Wild ,by Jon Krakauer, helps reinforce the idea of control in our lives. In

this story a man who has been handed an almost perfect life and takes it changes it and makes it his own.

He had a scholarship for law school, he only spends half then gives the other half to charity, he majored in

a class about African politics, and then just left with his car without telling anybody. He had a perfect

chance to live out a stable and fulfilling life, but that wasn’t the fate he wanted, he wanted a life free of

worry. A life that is carefree was the life he desired, he couldn’t have it unless he made jurassic changes in

the path laid out for