Essay on Introduction: Human Resource Management

Submitted By stephellen
Words: 296
Pages: 2

This essay shall critically discuss the requirements needed to successfully organise an event, many critical tasks must be taken into account when organising an event. Strategic planning methods shall be reviewed and examine first as this is a way to plan an event with the long term benefits in mind. Health and safety shall then be investigated as it is vital for any event to have health and safety management in place prior to and during the event. Finally, this document will look into human resource management; this includes areas such as employee motivation. All three of the above themes shall be discussed, each method of maximising the value to an event will be critically analysed, as well as how each of the three themes interact with each other for the benefit or sometime detriment of the end event. By using literature and relevant theories the above event elements will be discussed from an operational management perspective.

Strategic event design encompasses elements such as concept, venue, scale, programme, dates and duration; and also defines the long term direction of the event, the strategic objectives and expected benefits (e.g. return on investment) and the evolving event management strategy.

The second element to be reviewed will be event planning activities include such aspects as entrance and exit points, size and profile of the audience as well as the definition of planning roles and responsibilities. Health and safety considerations play