The story takes place in the fictional nation of “Oceania,” fueled by a party system known as “Ingsoc,” which is short for English Socialism. Four ministries take order within Oceania, working as a force that controls every aspect of humanity. These are the Ministry of Truth, the Ministry of Love, the Ministry of Peace, and the Ministry of Plenty. Each has their uses within the government, and even Winston is not exempt from their influence, for he personally works for the Ministry of Truth. All is monitored within Oceania, and nothing goes unturned in the eyes of the government. This constant moderation is titled by the phrase “Big Brother,” and is represented by a stern male figure adored upon posters and screens across Oceania. With a setting devoid of such basic human liberties, one must factor in if a hero arising is even a possibility. However, personally, I believe that with the existence of the human spirit, a hero is always