Is Leadership Learned

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Pages: 3

Is Leadership Learned or Innate?
Leadership is arguably the most important skill to possess, but can it truly be taught? Invested in Student life and activities Victoria McGee dedicates her days to leading and inreturn building leaders at Broken Arrow High School as the leadership class teacher. Many believe leadership to be innate and more of a trait then a characteristic, but McGee is proving these skeptics wrong. Accomplishing what others believe to be impossible and inspiring students to do the same.
What does it take to develop leaders? McGee states that, “each child/student/person won’t learn the same thing in the same way on the same day,” and this understanding is crucial to her work. Every student that she invests in has different strengths, weaknesses, stories, and purposes. She uses this information in teaching to create lesson plans that will inspire a variety of diverse students and to light a fire inside of them as leaders. Just like any other teacher, McGee has to remember that every student learns a different way. She fills her classes with games, scenarios, discussions, and projects to accommodate every student and aid them in their personal growth.
McGee uses “connections, communications, and classwork” to allow students to “get to know each other on a personal level
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McGee teaches things such as diversity, the importance of body language and placement, financial decisions, selfless leadership, and so much more. Her job is to show students the true importance of these skills and to walk with them in applying these throughout their lives as true leaders. Many are sceptical that leadership can truly be taught, for it is a skill that you develop overtime. In some ways I would agree; however, McGee uses relatable scenarios, current discussions, and focuses on specific topics in order to create a space where students are able to come in, develop, and harness all of these skills in a classroom setting at an unbelievably fast