Jesus Christ Research Paper

Words: 1854
Pages: 8

The birth of Jesus Christ is a very significant point in history to numerous people. Before Christ was born, Gabriel came down with a message for Mary, and told her that she was pregnant with the son of God. Mary and her husband Joseph traveled to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born on December 25th, in a dirty stable surrounded by magi who came bearing gifts, and his loving parents while God and everyone in heaven watched from above. This was the very humble beginning of a very humble, beloved man who was a king and leader to many. Before Mary became pregnant with Jesus, it had to be decided who the parents would be. The parents of Jesus would have to be descendants of Abraham, but more specifically, of the Family of David. (BenwarePg52) …show more content…
“It was not easy to tell the bad news to his beloved wife, Mary, but Joseph braced himself and did it. He told her of the dream in which an angel delivered this message from God: The king, Herod, wanted their little son dead!” (Jehovahs Witnesses). Mary was horrified by the news her beloved husband had just given her; King Herod had ordered for all boys who had been born in the past two years that were living in the area to be killed. Joseph had put their belongings on the back of their beast of burden in the cover of night and when he woke Mary, they were prepared to begin their journey. As Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt with their beloved child, they could only imagine the horrific things that were happening to the families they had left behind. After staying in Egypt for a short time, Joseph heard that King Herod had died and that he could return home. “He wisely feared Herod’s successor, Archelaus, who was likewise vicious and murderous. Divine guidance led Joseph to take his family up north, away from Jerusalem and all its intrigues, back to his hometown of Nazareth in Galilee” (Jehovahs Witnesses). When Joseph and Mary returned to Nazareth they settled down and raised their child. Jesus would stay with Mary and Joseph, learning the ways of a godly man, until he grew up to fulfill the