Joseph Quinones Research Paper

Words: 3776
Pages: 16

My Life Essay

Inside the life of Joseph Quinones.

Joseph Quinones 2-10-2024

Table of Contents

Life with Mom...........................Pg. 2 Life with Dad.Pg. 4 Elementary School.Pg. 1. 6 Middle School............................Pg. 7 High School...............................Pg. 9

My name is Joseph Quinones, I was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico on April 05, 2005. I grew up with an older brother, a twin brother (no identical Thank God), a younger sister, and a baby brother. I also have 2 more siblings my dad had in another relationship he was in after my mom. We were raised by our mother, Jessica Quinones. Growing up with a mom as strong and supportive as ours has shaped me into the man I am today. She instilled many traits in
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That was a great time, we got to do a bunch of different things in California. We met a bunch of family during our visit. I was able to make some friends that I was able to visit and hang out with when I was there. My dad took us to Disney World, the beach, and other amusement parks. Something even happened to me and my brother that we didn’t find out until later in life. I’m not sure what happened between my dad and mom, but they weren’t together. He was seeing another woman and had a daughter with her. She is one of my younger sisters, I’m not sure exactly how old she is, but I know she’s a few years younger than me. I met her after the summer of fourth grade, my dad also had another son. I don’t remember how old he is, but we would play Legos, build things, or play Xbox. Sometimes we’d go and hang out with some of his friends. I remember meeting two of my aunts while we were out there. Both were older than me and my brother, but one of them was two to three years older. We were able to relate to her more as a cousin than as an aunt and nephew. The other was in her twenties, she was great to hang around with. She took us to parks, arcades, public pools, and other things kids our age loved to do. I remember one time we got Banana Splits from an ice cream truck, I had put mine in the refrigerator. I was too young to know better, but I thought it would be cold enough to save my ice cream. We ended up …show more content…
This time, I was a bit more comfortable transitioning from middle school into high school. I knew what to expect, and as I mentioned about middle school, it’s the steppingstone to high school. I know the basics of the routine, and how to change from one class to another. How to keep myself organized and meet deadlines. But like everything else in life, things get harder, and high school proves just that. You have the same type of structure as you did in middle school. But now the expectations are higher, you need credits to graduate high school. Each class gives you a certain number of credits that you accumulate throughout the four years of high school. So, this was the year I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried new things. I even joined the football team and got to play against other schools. I had a lot of fun playing football, but nobody likes two-a-day practice. Sophomore year I played again but wasn’t on the field as much which bummed me out. I tried out for varsity and didn’t make the cut; I noticed the coaches already knew who they wanted and felt I didn’t get my fair shot. During this time, I met a girl who liked me and possibly loved me. But my being young, ignorant, and self-centered messed everything up and hurt her. No, I don’t mean physically or mentally but emotionally hurt her. I met someone very special to me. We spent a lot of time at school together. While I was playing football she