Joseph Quinones Research Paper

Words: 3748
Pages: 15

My Life Essay

Inside the life of Joseph Quinones.

Joseph Quinones 2-10-2024

Table of Contents

Life with Mom...........................Pg. 2 Life with Dad.Pg. 4 Elementary School.Pg. 1. 6 Middle School............................Pg. 7 High School...............................Pg. 9

I am Joseph Quinones, I was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico on April 05, 2005. I was raised with an older brother, my twin brother, my younger sister, and my little brother. I have 2 more siblings from my father as well. We were raised by our mother, Jessica Quinones. Growing up with a mom as strong and supportive as ours has shaped me into the man I am today. She’s instilled many traits in me, such as being respectful to my elders, and always addressing
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I remember when I started the first grade, it was different, weird in a way. I guess looking back it was just a new environment as well as a new life structure. I struggled with classwork and didn’t understand the assignments. I think it was a focus problem and being able to concentrate on my work. I remember not being able to pay attention in class and letting my mind wander while the teacher was talking. Second grade, I don’t remember much about it. I know some of the friends I made in first grade weren’t in my class that year. I have always been somewhat of a loner and kept to myself. My teacher wasn’t the type that makes an impression on you, like some of my other ones. This was the year we started working on earth science, and in social studies, we learned about the history of our nation. I remember having to take tests about the presidents, we also started learning about the 13 colonies. I remember having our weekly spelling tests on our vocabulary words. We get 20 new words every week and study them. We learned how to start using a dictionary so we could look up vocabulary words. The third-grade year was a fun and scary year for me, we did cool activities, but the work was harder. This was the year we learned multiplication, division, and fractions. The one project I remember from third grade was the “Rainforest” project. We made a life-like rainforest out of paper mouché. We were able to paint it and design it the way we wanted. We also saw all the different animals that lived in the rainforest. I got to learn about the different species, how they lived, and what their diets were. Fifth grade was probably the best year of my young school life. Well, they were for me, probably not for my mom though. I made a lot more friends in the fifth grade, but I got into a lot more trouble. My mom was upset with me because I was constantly in the principal's office in trouble