Cofer discusses that her family practiced strict Catholicism, with “Saturday confession” and “Sunday mass”. This example expounds Cofer’s religious background, and how strict her household was in practicing the religion. Cofer shifts her essay to an example about her background in order to narrate her origin, give the audience an idea of how her life was before becoming a writer. The reveal of Cofer’s background in her essay demonstrates that your background could have an impact on your future, be it significant or minor. Nearing the end of Cofer’s essay, specifically the fourteenth paragraph, moves to her aspiration to “replace the old pervasive stereotypes and myths about Latinas with a much more interesting set of realities”, to appeal to her general audience about what keeps her going. She moves her essay to the subject of her personal goal in order to perhaps be the beneficiary of ridding the world of racist and sexist stereotypes. The acknowlegement of Cofer's goal in her essay creates a reassuring tone that assures people of whatever doubts they may have. In conclusion, Cofer's essay The Myth of the Latin Woman is not only about spreading awareness about the hardships of growing up Latina, but also to give guidance/ her own advice for Latina's who might be dealing with racism/