These traditions may appear a bit weird to other people but to yourself, it is part of your history and heritage that your family carries as well. Here in the United States, all these traditions differ from each other. For example in the selection “The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria” by Judith Ortiz Cofer she states a tradition that follows her a lot is the way she dresses. The custom for Cofer's culture was that “[a]s young girls it was [their] mothers who influenced their decisions about clothes and colors” (253). For Cofer, she did not mind dressing a certain way according to her culture, but the people around her at school or other events made her feel a bit frustrated because her traditional attire was judged as a negative image. Another factor that helps identify a culture can be the language. Although many cultures have the same language they can differ by the accent the people have. There are different cultures in the United States that speak the same language but yet really differ from each other. In the essay “America: The Multinational society” by Ishmael Reed he reports that “[T]exas’s largest minority was Mexican- American” (247). Only because people speak Spanish it wouldn't mean that they are all