Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

Words: 203
Pages: 1

The Ku Klux Klan is a group of white secret societies who oppose the advancement of African Americans, Jews, Hispanics, and all other minority groups. The Ku Klux Klan has many aliases’, including “The KKK” and “The Klan”, they have notoriously been active in the United Stated as well as Canada. They often use violence to achieve their goals, whether they be politically driven or hate driven. They have been spotted wearing long white robes with hoods, and are famous for burning large wooden crosses during their outdoor meetings. If you spot any of these men, stay as far away as possible, they do not take kindly to anyone who does not follow their specific thread of beliefs. The KKK has 4 major time periods of activity. The mid 1860’s to early