The second experiment I did is about Darwin Island and Wallace Island. The moment I move it has changed the size of the bird mouth, and it makes it get bigger and longer. The initial size change from 10 to 30 it got bigger and longer. Wallace Island also do the same things the initial beak size are 30mm, it also got bigger in longer when I had changed it. When I change it back to normal size it has been returned to the normal size. The next step I did in this experience is about variance the different size for Wallace and Darwin. The variance start at the length of 1.0 to 20.0 when I move the variance back to the normal size, it transform a long bar when I put on 2.00 it make a curve bar. The Wallace part start at 0.45, when I play with the bar, I put it on 0.00 the bar disappears, when I put on 2.00 it make a curve.
The third experiment is about heritability of Darwin and Wallace. The Darwin part began I start to play has move the size on 0.47 to the bar, move all the way to the top and go down on 1.00, it went to 10.00 it draw a parallel line. The other heritability 0.70 start on 0.00 when I move it the bar disappear ,and all I saw was plenty of dots come up, and down from the size. I figure out if I move it again what is going to happen I did exacted that I move it to 1.00 the bar became up at the end.
The four experiments it was about the clutch size of the eggs, both nest start with two eggs. When I move the moose the more I move, the more eggs come up in the nest. Darwin and Wallace have the some quantity of eggs in the nest. The islands for Darwin and Wallace was very cool to see the experiments, the size was 0.3km I look at the screen I saw one palm tree. I move it around the island gets biggest, and more palm tree came up it was extremely beautiful. The