Labels In High School

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Pages: 2

There are numerous typical parts of a high school: homework, books, friends, sports teams, crowded hallways, pencils, rumors, and labels too. Labels are assigned all of the time; it seems exponentially in high school. Labels can lead to other things people presume about you and those presumed things could lead to deeper labels that seem everlasting. One of the labels I have been given is shy. The story started with the fourth test back in AP Human Geography. The first test was the shocker; this wasn’t middle school anymore. The second test was reassurance that we could expect it to be fairly difficult. For the third test everyone learned how to complete the test corrections sheet. The fourth test was the final test in the grade book before …show more content…
She finally handed back my Scantron, barely any red marks on the paper. In a class where half correct can be typical only four wrong was prodigious. After she was done returning the Scantrons, she was trying to calm everyone else down. Stressing that it was normal to have Bs and Cs at this point, only one person had an A. Also, this was most students’ first AP class, they were used to not getting straight As, in their other classes. Someone caught a glimpse of my test and blurted, “I didn’t know you were smart, I barely ever hear you talk.” Certain people suppose that I am shy; therefore, they assume I can’t be smart. I feel like I am assigned the label of shy, I can understand why, but that still doesn’t allow anyone to be superior to me. It appears that attaching labels on others can discredit them from feeling meritorious. Later that day, another girl overhead me telling my friend about my grades and she exclaimed, “Wow! What do you do all day study? I could never do that because I have a life.” Some believe shy is synonymous with dull or stale. Others appear to be blown away when I say something bold or