Lamb To The Slaughter Analysis

Words: 378
Pages: 2

Lamb to the slaughter is one of fiction/short stories by Roald dahl. This stories is about betrayal. Mary maloney’s husband patrick maloney cheated on her, he wanted to divorce her and she’s pregnant. It was 5 in the afternoon to 9pm. The inside of the house was “warm and clean, the curtains were closed, the two table lamp we're lit”. Then Mr. Maloney come home to tell a vulnerable mary some terribly bad news. When he told her, mary had this apprehensive look on her face and she went to get the leg of lamb out of the freezer to cook dinner like nothing had happened. Something came over her and instead she walk up to patrick and hit him in the back of his head and kill with one hit. After that, she was vigilant and knocked her and