Despite the pros and cons for students arguing for later school start times, there is an effect that will occur to families, a dent in bank accounts for families who need after school care. But these cases aren't always true. Many working or even non-working families like the early school start times to be able to provide transportation home for students, while later school start times affect those options for families. "In addition to managing their work schedule while trying to get kids to and from school, some argue that earlier elementary school start times means having to come up with several hours of after-school care — putting a dent in the family’s monthly budget" (Campbell). Most families manage their time around their kids, with the decision of waking up at 6am or not. Adults also, not all of them work 8 hours and have extracurriculars, the majority of families don’t. Making these situations exceedingly rare and not general. "However, Payne was quick to dispel that myth, saying, 'The real world does not require everyone to get up at 6 a.m. We have choices as