On January 21, Mississippi lawmakers introduced a dozen proposals and all of the proposals failed mostly through committees. I ask myself if Mississippi proposals failed what says that about every other state. States took it to their own hands for example New York introduces a law that prohibits mentally ill the right to own a gun and the assault of a weapon ban. Even here are home state California lawmakers are proposing measurements and expand the categories of high risk suggesting that people who cannot legally purchase or possess firearms this is including repeat drug and drunk driving offenders and those who violated domestic violence. U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Gifford’s a Democratic congresswoman who was shot in the back in Arizona in January 2011, very puts her suggestions and the importance of background checks and limits the size of ammunition magazines put.
Some people are accusing President Obama of putting the children of Sandyhook as human shields and taken their rights to own a law these people who say that they follow the law and why should they be punish for the mistake of