In the Navy, it is important not to go on a mission without the proper support and backup.One of the ways they weren't prepared is by not being properly guarded by their fellow escort “why wasn’t the ship given an escort (101).” This left the USS Indianapolis open for enemy attack. It is also important …show more content…
According the novel, the USS Indianapolis was rushed into service before she could be properly checked “If the ship had not been rushed into service to deliver the bomb to Titian, her repairs still incomplete (102).” And by the ship not being checked before their departure, they couldn't know that their ventilation was messed up “ If the ship had had better ventilation (102).” Even though they did not have the technology that we have today, they still should have checked their systems and body of the ship.
The Navy had a lack of communication with one another on the ship, that's another reason why the people died on the ship. Everyone wasn’t doing their job at the time, so the ship sank in 12 minutes. “Perhaps the biggest mistake the navy made was losing the Indianapolis in the middle of the ocean (105).” They died because the doors were open and the water got in quickly while the ship was sinking. “If the ship had had better ventilation” (102).” They didn't send rescue planes and ships immediately because they didn't get the SOS. All SOS’s were unconfirmed, it took 113 hours to get help. Everyone wasn’t doing their job so the ship sink.
“Why didn’t someone send rescue planes and ships immediately