Liberal Arts Education Research Paper

Words: 832
Pages: 4

Every year, thousands of students face the world on graduation day, clad in blue gowns, clutching hard-earned diplomas, and face the same dreaded, though well-intended, question: “So, what comes next?” Deciding what to do after college is a daunting task for anyone, and some may question why favor a liberal arts education over a more practical, concentrated degree. However, when Christians understand the true definition and purpose of liberal arts, and reexamines what a vocation truly is, we approach life in a new way that allows the joy of Christ to overflow from us in every aspect of our lives. The meaning and approach of a liberal arts education is a unique one. While other approaches to education push students to focus only on a single area of expertise, liberal arts encourages them to explore various options, allowing math majors to study humanities and anthropology majors to take some chemistry classes. To some, this relieves the burden of choosing one subject so early on, but to others who are more confident in their choice of study, a liberal arts education may seem like a hindrance, nothing but another hoop to jump through, Because this mindset is relatively common among students, an understanding of the purpose and benefits of a liberal arts education is vital for …show more content…
His mentor, Father Ferreira, tells Rodrigues that he did not understand that Japan was a “swamp,” killing any sapling of faith planted (Endo 161). While Ferreira’s assertion that Japanese culture cannot be reconciled with Christianity is arguable, it demonstrates the danger of trying to imposing one’s beliefs on people without entering into their culture and loving them for who they are. Liberal arts prepares us to make disciples of all nations because it allows us to identify with, understand, and appreciate all nations and their God-given