Liberal Arts Education Research Paper

Words: 700
Pages: 3

The Value in a Liberal Arts Education
College at one point was never important to me. I heard plenty of people that have accomplished their goals and made it far without some kind of higher education. I believe the majority of people are not that confident on their goals and unable to receive the same kind of opportunities without higher education. I graduated high school and started a full time job and soon realized I was losing potential and no opportunity was going to jump into my face. The importance of a liberal education is awakening. We need more than just job training and certifications. I want to major in Computer Science, but it is also crucial for me to be able to do research/public speak/write papers and hold intellectual conversations
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For example, getting my liberal arts degree before my BA I'm learning how to do college level research, public speak, write papers and learn basic math formulas that will be useful in a computer science job related field. In today’s world this liberal arts degree revolves around what a specific person is interested in and has a wide spectrum of classes to pick that appeals most to them. In this way you are being provided with time and room to decide what career choice fits best, better annual earnings, and gain traits such as social benefits. "There are social benefits to education, such as reduced crime rates and higher political participation." (Owen and Sawhill 210) This proves a liberal arts education benefits those who attend and are placed with more opportunities that they didn't have before. "Research suggests that additional education improves overall wellbeing." (Owen and Sawhill 210) that being by job satisfaction, health, marriage, parenting, trust and social interaction being affected. The pros to this kind of higher education outweighs going into trade school or job …show more content…
“Employers do not value what the student learned, just that the student has a degree.” (Owen and Sawhill 245) even so, a BA is an “admission ticket” according to “Are Too Many People Going To College?”. The opportunities that come from this “admission ticket” could possibly lead to a better career and pay than trying to find a job without one. The annual earnings gap between High school graduates and a bachelor’s degree is $15,000. Elementary, Middle and High school was a 12 year audition to prepare oneself to the future of education, just a couple more years and $15,000 extra annual earnings plus several benefits and you win the game. In some instances, a degree in Philosophy won’t have the same opportunism that a degree in Computer Science would have. You could only go so far with a degree in Philosophy trying to find a job that revolves around such. This is why additional research for the career a person wishes to enter in is critical. Myself, getting a degree in Computer Science is important because jobs look for people that do obtain a