Lifespan theories is the motivation for people especially in the late adulthood. During the lifespan theories that adult has, “strive toward maintenance and loss-prevention rather than gains, and that they sometimes profit from pursuing those goals” (Psychology &Psychiatry ,2015). Life- span theory has been considered as to be a meta- theory which is the, “set of themes for approaching the study of development and aging” (, 2017). The lifespan theory has provided the broadened orientation to be able to study the person while they age. Resiliency tell how the person is successful by meeting life challenges and goals. It seems that Resiliency theory is, “builds on the strengths perspective and addresses the notion of adaptive behavior by acknowledging the capability of people to cope with adversity or risk” (D. Sibley,2015). It seems that cognitive and affective process experience which has influence whether resilience is …show more content…
Lifespan theory is different from the resilience theory because lifespan is dealing the individual whole life style. Resilience theory is focus, “on the developmental process or of the dynamic capacity rather than as a static outcome or trait”(, 2017) and it total different from lifespan theory. Another thing that both these theories have in common will be cognitive influence, both theories is influence by cognitive. Lifespan theory has been development in distinction is the primary, and secondary control strategies it is dealing with control and motivational system. Resilience has also carries a connotation which a positive or typical developmental adaptation which could despite the exposure to clear threat or