Lin Manuel Miranda Research Paper

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Pages: 2

Miranda doesn't remember seeing his parents that much because they were always busy with their jobs and work so, Miranda and his sister spent most of their time with the caregiver that their dad had as a child. (“Lin-Manuel Miranda”)
Miranda finally made it to Broadway with in the heights, he then starred in the show as Usnavi. This show then won awards such as a Grammy, Tony, and Village Voice Obie awards. (“Lin-Manuel Miranda”) in the summer Miranda would be "shipped out" to Puerto Rico to spend time with his grandparents. While there he got to perfect his Spanish and start is musical career with learning piano at age six. That same year Miranda got into the Hunter College Elementary school for talented students. (“Lin-Manuel Miranda”)
Miranda first got his inspiration from a paper that he had to write in high school about the duels between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. He then read the biography of Alexander Hamilton and got the hip hop idea. (“Lin-Manuel Miranda”)
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At Hunter Highs theater he directed the musical West Side Story his senior year. The original Lyricist Stephen Sondheim then came in to talk to Miranda's cast, and tell them how he had worked on the show, which pushed Miranda in the direction of writing music. (“Lin-Manuel Miranda”)
The cast of Hamilton is diverse in ethnicity, and a teacher even saw how this musical could leave an impact, so he started to use the songs in his teaching. (“Lin-Manuel