Link Crew Research Paper

Words: 584
Pages: 3

Link Crew

My name is Kyla Currie and I am a sophomore applying for a Link Crew position. I moved here recently from Sacramento and have loved San Clemente. I play beach and indoor volleyball for my high school while also being involved in numerous clubs. I try extremely hard in school as I am in all honors classes and AP classes this year. I excel in traits such as social skills and communication, and work very hard at the things I'm passionate about. I am a busy babysitter who works for families weekly and it's one of my absolute favorite things to do because I love hands-on activities and being able to interact with people. One of the main reasons I hope to be in the Link Crew is because I strive to make freshmen feel welcome on a new campus. Just like
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I believe that I would make an excellent Link Crew leader because I care about helping people. With the position of a leader I can offer very useful and smart advice when entering high school as well as support if needed. It's scary for kids to come from middle school to high school, and I will strive to make them feel comfortable. As well as positive contributions, I can provide knowledge to them and create a very welcoming environment when visiting the school. My experience with the Link crew was very positive and that's the main reason that prompted me to join. I had two older girls who I immediately looked up to and they were very welcoming and made me excited for high school. My goal is to do the same. I want to show all the amazing aspects that I've experienced, as well as wisdom to allow for an easy transition from school. Something I would change about my leadership is my ability to help include everyone in the room. I remember finding it hard for the girls to grab some kid's attention and from babysitting and volunteer work with kids, I have learned strategies and ways to help kids communicate and feel heard in a conversation. I would try numerous and inclusive measures to make sure everyone