Long-Term Consequences Of Teen Driving

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Pages: 3

"16-year-olds have higher crash rates than drivers of any other age" (11 Facts about Teen Driving). Teenagers need the time to fully develop their brains maturity level in order for them to drive, their hormones and emotions are sporadically taking over their rational thinking. Some people say that with restrictions 16-year-olds have decreased the crash rate. However, the reason for the restrictions is because they do not have a full mentality capable of making wise judgments on the road. The Washington State Licensing Department should raise the minimum driving age.

Raising the driving age would give teen brains more time for the maturity necessary to drive. The undeveloped area in the brain is called the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, allowing decisions to be made as well as thoughts of long-term consequences associated with consciousness in a 16-year-old. According to Jay Giedd a chief of brain imaging in the child psychiatric unit at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), "A crucial part of the teen's brain the area that peers ahead and considers consequences-remains undeveloped" (Davis 251). This means that the ability to control their actions are not fully grown, this can cause accidents on the road due to not thinking about the consequences and only thinking in the moment. These issues are not only affecting the teenage driver but also other victims. Therefore, giving the teen
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Furthermore, Raising the driving age could help others on the road be safe. According to the (NIH), "In a sense, increasing the time between impulse and decisions. It seems not to get as good as its going to get until age 25" (Davis 252). Teenagers do not have a well developed brain to be able to have full control over their decision