Teenagers are irresponsibility especially while driving. In 2013-2014, there were 5,166 teen deaths in automobiles (Highway safety and research and communication).This deaths occurred from ages 13-19 all over the country. Half of these deaths were in the passenger of the vehicles. There were also surveys done on teen drivers all of the country. 55% of teen drivers said that they don't wear a seatbelt, and 20% of that crashes among teens have happened anywhere from 9pm past midnight. At this hour, teens are not as focused as they would be in the daytime. These simple and easy things to remember while driving can be so fatal when they are not followed. Anyone in the early to mid twenties who is more mentally mature wouldn't make these silly and dangerous errors. In another survey, 22% of young drivers said they have drove with someone who has been under the influence of alcohol.These statistics shows that if teens aren't mature enough to safely operate an automobile. Why should they be considered …show more content…
With various ages and different ideas always being thrown around, many people don’t know what to believe. This article has real information and studies done on brain maturity done by scientist, and specialist focused on maturity. High crime rates in 18-24 year olds, and car crashes caused by irresponsibility clearly states the claim. Teens do not become adults until their brain is fully mature.Sharing this information with friends, family, and young kids could help the better understand the topic. They might have heard many other different opinions but showing this could persuade them to this kind of thinking. Kids become adults when they are physiologically mature and ready to make that next step into adulthood. A certain age isn't always everything, it can vary from one person to another. That’s when a teen makes their transformation into an