Should Minimum Driving Age Be Raised

Words: 1547
Pages: 7

How would you feel if a teenager you knew died in a car accident? The answer may seem obvious, but the sad reality is that 7 teenagers aged 16 to 19 die in a car crash almost every day. The minimum age for teenage driving has been a topic of debate for a long time. Many insist on raising the age because of the risks that come with younger people driving a car. Also, teens are more likely to be distracted while driving. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 7 teenagers die in car accidents almost every day. This could be prevented if the driving age was raised.Even though reducing the driving age would get more teens into the workforce, the minimum driving age should be raised because teens are more likely to be distracted while …show more content…
1). This evidence shows something very sad: car crashes kill teens the most out of anything else. Too many teens are dying in car crashes, and lowering the driving age would only help lower these amounts of deaths, which should be convincing enough for anyone to want to raise the minimum driving age. Another piece of evidence I found was in an article written by Andrew J. Tobias, where he talks about how there is a bill to raise Ohio’s minimum driving age. He explains, “Bill supporters, including the insurance industry and the American Automobile Association, say the changes are needed for safety reasons, since drivers ages 16-17 crash at higher rates than other age groups.” (Tobias, 2019, p. 1). This shows that some states are already taking action to raise the minimum driving age. It is a well known fact that teenagers are more likely to crash, it is also known that raising the minimum driving age would cause less crashes, being that the brain is more developed as a young adult, rather than in the teen