Raising The Driving Age

Words: 1688
Pages: 7

There will be too many children on the road and government needs to get them off before the roads get crowded! One way to do that is to raise the legal driving age. Raising the legal driving age will create more opportunities for teenagers under 18 and for the drivers over the age of 18. This will make it way easier to have a “no fatalities” country and to let children mature before giving them the ability and privilege to drive. This will teach the opposing side on why the legal driving age, which is 16 years of age, should be raised and what the causes of this act will be. This act will affect people's lives majorly because it will force parents to take responsibility for where children have to be but will help in a good way because it will …show more content…
The legal driving age being raised is just better in general because it will not cause as many accidents and there will not be as many irresponsible children and just overall people on the roads today. The topic of the driving age being raised has been discussed all around the United States and there have been some good discussions about why it should be raised and some good conclusions on why it should not stay the same and why it should not be lowered. It has come up in multiple discussions multiple times about how some Americans want the legal driving age to be lowered but none think about the consequences of someone’s child driving but instead think about the benefits of a person’s personal life and how much time it will save a parent. This act will explain to others on the opposite side of the argument why the legal driving age should be raised, the causes of the legal driving age being raised, the causes of the legal driving age being lowered or kept the same, the maturity of teenagers, and facts about why and how kids get into more accidents than …show more content…
There would be more cars on the road which would increase the number of crashes each year, the number of deaths each year, and the number of month that the insurance pays on crashes each year. If the legal driving age was lowered, teenagers who have the ability to legally drive would get their license and abuse their privileges by drinking and or texting. Teenagers would be more tempted to drink and drive and since this society is overruled by cellphones, people will be tempted to text and drive. Some people do not feel complete without their cellphones and if the cellphone is in a pocket or in eye sight of someone, anyone will be tempted to use one. If the legal driving age was kept the same, there would be the same amount of accidents of American roads and then everyone would not be able to fix them. The only solution for less crashes and less people on the road is to make sure people do not make stupid mistakes and drink or text and drive which is impossible or raise the legal driving age. On Deseret News, reporters state that “Several members of Congress are sponsoring bills that would set a minimum unrestricted driving age for the entire nation at age 18” (Crisp 2010). Congress thinks that it is a good idea to raise the legal driving age so everyone should learn to like it and get used to it now before congress changes