Raising Minimum Driving Age

Words: 531
Pages: 3

“It shouldn't matter what age a person is, as long as there’s practice and experience.” - Linnea Greci, Hinsdale Central High School student.
There are some reasons why many adults disagree with students about driving underage, but their reasoning is just the same old excuse. Lack of maturity. I don’t believe in that apprehension because a 16 year old already starts making and doing risky decisions like work occupations, career paths, and college choices. Without a doubt I disagree with raising minimum driving age from 16 to 18 because students actually work part time jobs on weekdays after school or on weekends, medical emergencies exist whether it’s a injured sibling, parent, or relatives, and believe it or not you will see teenagers drive illegally anyway.
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Many students (like me) face the difficulty of living in a single parent household, which can be very complicated when needing to get something new or to pay an expense. I had worked last school year and I would use some of my hard earned money to buy food such as groceries. If I would have not gotten my driver’s license, I would not have been able to work and support my family. Taking away the driving privilege would take away a student’s opportunities to work and help out their family.

Dealing with medical emergencies is very difficult and very unexpected. Being someone who has very sick family members, I know how difficult it is for my peers to find someone to help them out. Luckily now being 16, and having my license has given me the opportunity to be there for when the help is needed. Ambulance care bills can be very expensive, as expensive as buying an iPhone. Not everyone can afford to pay those kind of expenses frequently. My drivers license has helped my peers get more affordable care when it’s needed during a medical