The National Report Card shown that school funding fairness suffered after the Great Recession. Many states reduced their investment in K-12 public education in 2011(Baker 7). States had to lower the education funding after the federal government stop supporting them. With the decrease amount of funding, schools won’t be able to afford the books they need for their classes. Most states won’t fund the high poverty areas with schools. States making the strongest effort to fund public education devote more than 4.5% of their economic productivity to schools, while the lowest effort states allocate 2.5% or less (Baker 11). Only eight states helping the high poverty areas in their states. Reversing a positive trend, the number of states classified as “progressive”—that is, they provide more funds as district poverty increases—dropped between 2010 and 2011 (Baker 6). Some of these states lowered their funding to high poverty areas. Even though we should turn our attention to high poverty schools, it still being neglected.A lot of factors go in to deciding how much funding a school should receive, gives a couple of the deciding factors. All schools receive funding no matter what it just depends on how many students they have, scores on standardized tests, or if a school needs a little help. Charter schools in addition to receiving state funding they have there own separate funding called the local education agency or (LEA). A per pupil funding administrated by the IDOE and is referred to as a basic grant (mello5). There are many types of laws and titles that help schools receive another portion of there funding, like the Title 1 funding which provide supplement funding for low achieving students that is targeted to high poverty schools, Title 1 funding should not be used in place of general tuition dollars (mello5). Title 2 helps increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools distich improve teachers and principle Quality. And Title 3 which is called the language instruction for limited English proficient and immigrants schools which targets schools with a lot of students that are of a different ethnicity and do not speak fluent English and helps them meet he challenges of stat academics content and student achievement standards.
Indian state funding is based on the enrollment count. For each student that enrolls in school that school gets a