Love Triangle Research Paper

Words: 969
Pages: 4

From constructing this love triangle, I have learned about how I function in relationships. The drawings on my triangle represent mostly my current relationship with my boyfriend. We have been together for 3 years, and are currently in the midst of a 9 month long distance period (luckily it’s almost over). Whenever my boyfriend comes to visit me, we always seem to reconnect. On the passion side of my pyramid, I drew hearts and 2 people hugging, happy to see each other. This represents the excitement I feel when I first see him at my door. I also drew rays of color coming out of the word “energy”. Whenever I see him or know that I will be seeing him soon, my excitement gives me energy which is transformed into motivation and productivity to …show more content…
My boyfriend and I were very comfortable with one another from the point when we first met. I drew a comfy chair and 2 people standing next to each other gbto represent this. the We are both very genuine people, and I trusted him from my gut, not from experience together. We made the decision to commit to each other very early. It took time for me to develop full confidence in him because we didn't have this experience yet. This explains why I was insecure in the relationship the first year we were together. I drew a car and a phone and a texted heart to represent confidence struggles I have right now during this long distance period. When we text or when he visits this restores my confidence in him and in our relationship. I feel we are fairly competent in our relationship and I represented this with a drawing of 2 stick figures holding hands with a heart between …show more content…
The intimacy score, which was 160, revealed that I view my relationship as being very intimate. This seems very true, since my boyfriend and I have been close since the very beginning of our relationship and are able to share our thoughts, ideas and feelings, (and physical aspects) with each other quite easily. I also got a high score for passion as well. This seems to make sense because we haven't been seeing each other very often, so when we do, we experience a lot more passion. I got a lower score than I would’ve expected for commitment. Although we have been together a long time, I am graduating in the spring and I’m unsure of whether or not it will make sense for me to continue the relationship or break it off and see other people. I love him and don't like thinking about that much at all. I’ve been with him for my entire adult life, and I don’t like the fact that I’m going to have to make that