Is spending thousands of dollars just to get a higher education and a degree worth it? Is all of this necessary today? It's no wonder parents start saving money for college for their children so early, even though people who get a college degree are in debt for years following graduation. College should be cheaper to make it more accessible, help the economy, and lower debt. The first thing that would improve would be for more people to have the chance to have a higher education and get a degree…
Words 541 - Pages 3
The cost of college tuition seemingly fluctuates, with prices rising and dropping with the economic situation of the time. Over the last several years, college tuition has continued to rise, consequently limiting education’s accessibility. This raises the question: Should colleges lower tuition to make the life of a college student more obtainable and affordable? When considering this question, the most important factors to contemplate include the student’s overall financial situation involving their…
Words 136 - Pages 1
Trust details how other states are trying to tackle the rise in tuition costs. A growing number of states are trying to rein in the price students and their families pay to attend public colleges and universities. Tuition rose sharply during the Great Recession after states cut higher education funding. Now student loan debt is approaching (now surpassed) $1 trillion nationally, and even upper-income families are worried about rising college costs. And legislatures are under pressure to bring prices down…
Words 1333 - Pages 6
thing called college. They told you that you have to go there to get an education before you can get a good job. Many kids have dreamed of going to college, and being able to get the job of their dreams. By putting in hard work and dedication to good grades in high school, you had high hopes that you would be able to get into an Ivy League school. The American dream of being able to go to college to get a degree is sliding away from many people due to rising costs. With increasing tuition prices and…
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degree holders and college graduates, that makes it must for our generation to attend college to be able to receive a decent job. The question may arise, why are numerous people not rushing to college? For many students, college remains out of the question by cause of high tuition costs. Since money stand as concern for attending college, countless high school graduates have happened to start a full-time job straight out of college. There have been plenty of debates on whether college should be free…
Words 472 - Pages 2
More and more students are getting enrolled into college therefore causing the cost of tuitions to rise up.colleges are making tuition more expensive to be able to buy the tools and resources that we need. The money is going towards tools, teachers, and sub activities. College tuition is getting more expensive for students because universities are using the funds to pay for the activities and administrations whose costs increase annually. Without administrators there wouldn’t be anyone who would…
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The average tuition and fees at a public four-year colleges and universities increased by 9,410 in just 12% 5 years (Anderson). College has turned getting a degree into an American neurosis. It's sending parents bankrupted and leaving students with a backpack full of debt that doesn't even guarantee a good job in the end. It is imperative to discuss why and how making college more affordable is an obtainable goal. Some believe that lowering college tuition would make the economy suffer. In reality…
Words 1816 - Pages 8
proposal of lowering tuition prices at community colleges to zero (Obama). The President hopes to eliminate tuition fees to students by having the federal and state government pay the operating expenses of these institutions. The state of California had this same thought in mind when it implemented The Master Plan of Higher Education in 1960, which provided free tuition for all residents (Pickens 9). After twenty-four years the state's budget could no longer afford to offer free tuition and student…
Words 884 - Pages 4
propose college, even when the choice is not in mind. Yes, college is not for everybody, but education is the key to be somebody. College is an opportunity that many want, but simply cannot reach. It is the gateway to a better career, a better future, and a better life. These institutions are essential for where you stand in society. Attending college is explained by educators, reiterated by parents, and almost every adult inform you throughout your teen years. The honest truth is college does not…
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discuss her plans for the future. Her parents argue for a standard four-year college experience, while she, like many in her generation, does not see the value in secondary education. She would much rather go right into the workforce than risk being thousands of dollars in debt once she receives her diploma. The rising strain of attending college has led to a re-evaluation of its overall worth. The impact of rising tuition on students’ financial well-being and overall economic success cannot be overstated…
Words 3034 - Pages 13