Lung Cancer Research Paper

Words: 974
Pages: 4

Lung Cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the world. With it being hard to detect and limited effective treatments, lung cancer is often found in its later stages of development which makes the treatments ineffective. The two different types of lung cancer (small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer) are treated differently and have both similar and contrasting effects on the body. The symptoms of lung cancer are often mistaken to be similar effects to aging as well as other less serious diseases which makes the probability that a person infected with lung cancer to go out and seek treatment.
According to, lung cancer accounts for 17% of all reported cancer cases in the world. With nearly 250,000 new cases
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Lung cancer is classified into two different categories as I mentioned earlier, small cell and non-small cell. Small cell accounts for only 15% of cases but is more serious because of the much more rapid movement of the cells which advances the stages at a quicker pace making it hard to treat. There are two stages of small cell lung cancer, the limited and extensive stage. The limited stage is the first stage and is when the abnormal cell growth in only exposed to one side of the chest and lung and is nearby the lymph nodes of that one side. This is much more treatable than the extensive stage because it is only centered at one side of the chest. Often doctors will recommend chemotherapy as well as radiation to treat this category of cancer. Although this cancer can be treated often without too much difficulty, the extensive stage does not have similar odds. The extensive stage is the later stage where the abnormal formation of cell travels to other areas of the chest as well as other regions of the body. It is not uncommon for the cells to move towards the brain which for the most part are treated with high doses of radiation. This is often referred to as the most serious stage of lung cancer and only has a 4% survival rate according to Now non-small cell lung cancer is the most occurring case of lung cancer in the world, accounting for roughly 85% of cases. This form of cancer has 4 stages to it, each getting progressively worse. The first stage is where the cells are located in the lungs, the second stage is where it is then found near the lymph nodes in your chest region. These two stages are often treated using surgical removal of areas that are concentrated highly of the abnormal cells. The next stage, stage three, is where the cells are actually found in the lymph nodes which make the cells travel to other areas of the body which leads me to stage four. Stage four is the