Lung Cancer Research Paper

Words: 789
Pages: 4

Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells which occurs in one or both human lungs. These abnormal cells do not develop in the lung tissue instead the cells form into a mass of tissue also known as tumor. As the tumor becomes larger and interferes with the functioning of the lungs, it lessens the effectiveness of the lung’s ability to provide oxygen in the blood stream ( “Lung Cancer 101”). Usually, cells contain deoxyribonucleic acid which allows the cells to divide into two new cells known as daughter. Cancer happens when mutation occurs in the cell’s DNA which leads to uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells ( “Lung Cancer”). The DNA mutation can occur due to the normal aging process of human beings or through environmental issues such as smoking cigarette. There are two types of lung cancer, primary lung cancer and secondary lung cancer. Cancer which instigates in Lungs is known as …show more content…
There are many ways lung cancer can be diagnosed such as using Imaging tests (CT scan and x-rays), Sputum Cytology and Tissue Biopsy (Tests and Diagnosis “Lung Cancer”). Imaging tests such as CT scan allows the doctor to observe the size and location of the Lung tumor. Sputum Cytology is the process of identifying cancer by examining the cough phlegm which allows the pathologists investigate whether there is cancer cells mixed in with the mucus. Tissue Biopsy is the process of removing a small amount of lung tissue in order to examine it under a microscope to diagnose the condition of the lung. In other words, to investigate whether there is any cancer cells located in the tissue. Biopsy can be performed in number of ways but many doctors prefer the Bronchoscopy method in which the doctors inserts a lighted instrument/tube through the throat into the person’s lungs in order to remove a lung tissue for sample ( “Lung Cancer: