MLK Jr. And The Civil Rights Movement

Words: 815
Pages: 4

When I contemplate the notion of leadership, grandiose images of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement instantly come to mind. Although I was never able to personally experience his actions, his legacy remains imprinted upon me, serving to establish one personal definition of leadership: the ability to empower the downtrodden. This unique capability was imperative as it allowed MLK Jr. to amass countless followers and channel collective passion into action. However, more importantly, I believe that it provided his supporters with the hope that a better tomorrow was possible. This mindset was integral in formulating the foundation of the movement and establishing future leaders who would continue the cause. Furthermore, some of the unique qualities which I have deemed vitally important for a leader to possess are derived directly from MLK Jr, including charisma, integrity, passion, and strength to speak out against societal norms. …show more content…
My mother, a pediatrician in Frederick, helps to aid children every day to overcome ailments and build health-related goals for their future. Through her positive attitude and encouragement, she is able to guide her patients through problems and lead them through difficult times. Although she doesn’t amount followers as the archetypal leader may do, her actions are extremely influential upon her patients, their families, and even the community, as she advocates for healthy behavior throughout Frederick. Moreover, in her particular practice, she serves as a teacher to younger doctors and nurses by providing guidance and giving advice on how to succeed in the medical