Marching Band Research Paper

Words: 821
Pages: 4

Marching Band: The Ideal Team
“There may be people more talented than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you.” When most people read that quote they imagine a football player staying after practice and lifting weights or a gymnast making sure her back hand spring is flawless. However, when I read that I see all my band mates out on the field, going over the set over and over again until we can do it with our eyes closed… literally with our eyes closed. Marching band takes skill, concentration, trust in your other band members, and respect, all the makings of a top notch sports team. That’s why I’m going to prove that band is and should be recognized as a sport.
Marching band is a team, some people even say we’re a family. In band you’re constantly learning from each other. It’s a great environment…
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Marching band requires you to be able to multi task. When you’re marching you have to read music, have your feet the same as everyone else’s, make sure you're in a perfect straight line, you have to have perfect form, and you have to hold that form for the whole show or performance. In an hour of marching the average teenager will burn close to three hundred calories (“Calories burned with Marching Band”) a football player of the same weight would burn about the same.(“How Many Calories Do You Burn When You Play Football?”) Marching band requires full concentration if you lose focus for a few seconds you’ll be off step, out of line, and will make the whole band look unprepared. In marching band, no one can sit the bench if someone gets hurt during a performance. You just have to walk it off, or rather march it off. Take for example my friend. While we were marching last year, his arm popped out of socket and he just kept marching and deal with it after the show. Or this year for example, I stepped wrong and sprained my ankle mid-show and I had to keep marching on