Mass School Shootings In America

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Pages: 5

America, a country everyone loves to hate. Deeply embedded in this country’s roots there are many problems that affect today’s society. America has been heading in the wrong direction for awhile now. Some of these problems are more recent and have been affecting America in different ways. This could be school shootings which have become more and more frequent and deadly or how America’s society sees weapons. Not only are weapons a problem, the educational system is lacking what is necessary to produce intelligent youth to be prepared for the America’s leadership positions.However, most of the American leadership positions are taking by white males, just like they have been for centuries. Racism has always been a page in America’s history. Education, …show more content…
Most commonly, these shootings happen at schools. In 2018, there is at least one school shooting every week. (Ahmed) This is an outrageous statistic that should not have to be thought about while children are trying to learn in America. School shootings have become mainstream and do not have the shock factor they should. It should never be a common thing for these massacres to happen. A big part of why this happens is because guns are everywhere in our society. “Guns are also deeply embedded in American culture. In U.S. cultural products, good guys kill bad guys with guns.” (Adams) This motif can be seen in movies and children are raised with this in their mind. Another way people get exposed to guns is through video games. A large majority of kids play video games on a daily basis. Most of these games have violent interactions that involve shooting and mass slaughter. On the contrary, many gun supports in America say that people kill people, not guns. Although this makes sense, the people are raised in a society who glorifies weapons that can deal mass destruction. In the end, people are dying every day due to the neglect that the legislation has about the topic of gun control for …show more content…
African Americans are affected the most out of the minorities. It has been like this throughout history and is barely improving. Just recently, two African Americans were in a Starbucks waiting for a friend. They were asked to leave and they refused since there were other customers doing the same. The employ then called the police. When the officers arrived, the two men were taken out of the Starbucks and were arrested (Cohen). If these men were white, this most likely would not have happened. Being white in America can make life a lot easier compared to African Americans and other ethnic groups. It has been this way since Christopher Columbus docked his ship and basically started a genocide with the Native American people. There many advantages whites have that African Americans do not. Especially when it comes to employment. “Whites receive on average 36 percent more callbacks than blacks” (Glanton). Mainly because of their skin tone, they are denied the opportunity to have a career. In addition to white privilege, police brutality has been a part of America’s history. In most situations of police brutality, the victims are not white. They are mainly African American. The police in this country still racially profile their victims even though it is against the law. “African Americans were twice as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with the police ” (White